
As the President of our local English Springer Spaniel club I serve to coordinate our annual, American Kennel Club (AKC) registered field trial. We host some of the top English Springer Spaniels for all across the United States at our field trial each year. Many of the dogs that attend this event go on to compete at the National Open and National Amateur field trials for English Springer Spaniels. A large part to making sure that our field trial is competitive is the quality of the live birds that we use. For the past six years we have only used the flight conditioned pheasants from Double Barrel Game Farm at McCool Junction, Nebraska. Dustin Chrisman does a tremendous job of raising top quality game birds. Each year the amateur and professional dog trainers that attend our event compliment us on the quality and performance of Dustin’s birds. Many of these trainers are working with their dogs on a daily basis and use a lot of game birds in training and in field trials each year. These folks know good birds. Dustin’s birds help us to simulate as close to wild game bird conditions as possible. The Double Barrel game birds are explosive flushers and fast flyers. Dustin’s attention to every step in the raising and care of his birds not only makes for a quality shooting experience but they are also delicious to eat. The birds are raised in large flight pens with hanging fresh water waters so there is no drinking from puddles. I have been truly amazed as I have watched Dustin’s business grow, but it is obvious as to why he has seen such positive success. It has been his hard work and dedication to serving the people who enjoy upland game bird hunting.

W. David Barnes
President Platte River English Springer Spaniel Club

Dustin at Double Barrel Game Farm has been a source of high quality flight birds for our hunting operation for several years now. We have been especially impressed with the pheasants being consistently fully feathered and very long tailed! The flight of these birds has also been excellent. After surviving the Nebraska weather they do quite well here in Oklahoma!

Verl Brorsen President
Brorsen Bluestems Inc.
Bluestem Hunting Reserve